
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

JM Oliver Photography is Going Coastal!

Well, its officially official!  As of December 01 2011 - JM Oliver Photography will be making the move to the Sunshine Coast of BC!!!  This was a difficult decision to make, but one I am very confident is the right choice for a number of reasons, both business & personal.  

As some of you know, I'm originally from the Pacific North West where I lived my entire life, until around 5 years ago when I came to the flat prairie lands of Alberta.  I have a lot of very old friends & family still on the coast whom I miss greatly and will be so excited to see! I also miss the coast and its smells, sights & sounds!  

For those who do not know where the Sunshine Coast of BC is, I've included maps below.  The white arrow is where I'll be moving to - Sechelt, BC! I've lived there before and it is simply breathtaking and I cannot wait to get there and start photographing!  You can check out more about both Sechelt, the city I will be moving to and also Gibsons where I'll be also spending a lot of time (its just a little ways away from Sechelt) visiting family & friends as well by clicking on their names which will take you to their websites.  

For those on the Sunshine Coast, here are some of the amazing Grande Opening, Referral & Holiday Specials I have cooked up for you all to enjoy!  So be sure to book quickly! They are limited time offers!

For those who are still in the Medicine Hat area - I do have some moving specials as well! So be sure to book them quickly because these specials have an expiration date of November 15th 2011!!!!!

Now I know some have also asked about what will happen to SOS whom I've been working with helping take photographs of and have really enjoyed working with!  I have found another great local photographer and friend of mine who I know is a PERFECT FIT for them - Renee from Striking Poses Photography!
I know she will work well with SOS & will enjoy working with & helping these amazing pups as much as I have! 

I will really miss so many of my friends that I have made here like, Kelly from La Crosse Photography, CJ from Southern Star Entertainment, Kathy & Ged from the Sheer Insanity Race Team,  Colleen from Henna Artistry by Colleen Garland, Renee from Striking Poses & Sharon from T's Treasures to name a few!  They have all promised to visit - so be sure to check them out and if you're local - be sure to keep them busy so they can be able to come visit me lots! 

So thats a little bit about my big announcement! Ill be adding more about my big move soon so be sure to keep your eyes peeled!  


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Animal Rescue Groups

If you are a non profit animal rescue/sanctuary/organization and would like/need photos done of the animals in your care so they can be adopted quickly, please be sure to contact me! I will happily come out and take photos of the animals and give you a CD with the digital copies on it & print rights to them so that these great animals can find their fur-ever homes ASAP. I can even post the photos and their information on my F.B. Studio fan page to help find these babies loving homes if you would like.

I have 2 feline rescues as many of you know already, My Sweet Lisa-Lee & Lil Miss Poly-Ana; two great joys in my life that I cannot imagine my world without, and without them I'd not be here as a photographer. I would be thrilled to help your furry friends find their fur-ever homes! So please be sure to contact me HERE if you are an animal rescue/sanctuary that would like to have some photos taken.