
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Remember Alex Brown Foundation & Oprah's No Phone Zone - Summer Project #2

A brief bit about the Remember Alex Brown Foundation & Oprah's No Phone Zone
Alex Browns family was featured on Extreme Home Makeover after she died due to distracted driving - driving while texting and not wearing her seatbelt.  Her family has made it their mission to go and let people know the dangers of driving distracted! It is something you hear about all the time these days and something I would like to encourage people learning about and taking Alex's or Oprah's Pledge! Please check out her story HERE also you can check out the RAB Foundation on Facebook HERE

Although I do not nor have I even driven a motor vehicle; this is a topic near and dear to my heart. It is so senseless to see happen time and time again.  Weather its from Texting while driving or using your cell phone, or any other form of distraction - distracted driving has become an epidemic in North America and around the world.  I hate to see this happen because people are unaware of this topic!  Even the popular Mythbusters did an episode on Driving Intoxicated compared to Driving Distracted - now don't go thinking they said either of these were okay by any  means.  In fact both are dangerous enough the tests were done within specific guidelines with police officers present as well as professional drivers and on a very closed course and made a point of saying NEITHER is okay to do period.  The concept however was to see how dangerous distracted driving is in comparison to something people already clearly KNOW is dangerous to do while operating a motor vehicle - being Intoxicated.  The conclusion was unanimous.  Distracted driving (in their case they used a cell phone)  was as bad as and actually caused more driving failures (hitting cones etc) than driving while intoxicating did.  Now keep in mind too, they were just at the legal limit not totally bamboozed fall on your rump drunk.  But either way, it made the point clear.  Driving Distracted is extremely dangerous & very deadly.  And if thats just not enough proof for you NOT to do this, in the episode of Extreme Home Makeover - they used two NASCAR drivers - some of the best around lets face it - and had them drive the course while texting....these PROS could not even do it without wiping out numerous times (and believe me this fact surprised even them that it happened) if THEY cannot do this there is no way ANYONE (especially YOU) can seriously accomplish this without crashing!  PERIOD. DON'T DO IT!  

It is now enough of a problem & considered SO dangerous in Canada alone: BC, Alberta, Manitoba, Yukon, PEI, New Brunswick all have anti-distracted driving laws.  The penalties are severe and are not just "texting" but using any electronic device and include distractions like: putting on makeup etc.  IT IS NOT SAFE TO DO THESE THINGS WHILE DRIVING!!! PERIOD.  I hope many more provinces take up this very important law!

In honor of Alex and the thousands of those who have needlessly been killed in accidents caused by this - I am wanting to show my full support of this movement.  So, given I'm a photographer there are only so many things I can do, but I am open, as always to many more ideas and suggestions for things you all would be willing to help support in order to get this message across to those here in our area!

I will be doing two small things.  
1) On every shoot I go on over the summer, I will have with me, copies of both Oprah's No Phone Zone Pledge & the Alex Brown Foundations No Texting Pledge.  I am going to encourage anyone who hasn't taken these - to do so, and share the facts & Alex's tragic story.  I will even give copies to those who have teenagers just getting their licences as well.  And as soon as I'm able to do so, I will also be ordering some of the R.A.B's thumb bands to hand out on shoots as well, to constantly remind us when we use our phones, to not do this while driving!  If you sign on site - I will include 1 FREE digital storyboard in your package for you!
2) For anyone who comes to a shoot with the sheets in hand (or if you've done them online simply print them out so I can see them - its also a good way to remind yourself of your promises too) of their commitment to the RAB No Texting While Driving Pledge or the No Phone Zone Pledge - I will offer you a special print package.  It will contain 1 - 8x10, 2 - 5x7's and one sheet of wallets - FREE!  All you have to do is sign the pledge BEFORE THE SHOOT AT HOME and show me you have done so on your own accord - to get this package!  Remember if you sign at the shoot you are not eligible for this package.

I encourage all families especially those with teenagers learning to drive to watch Alex's story or any of those shared in the No Phone Zone area as well - with your teens.  Take the pledge together as a family!  Remember its not just YOU it could kill, think of the others you could injure, kill, or for your families and theirs too! When you drive distracted or intoxicated you take other peoples lives in your hands and can ruin all of them in literally a heartbeat.  Think of them if you will not or cannot think about yourself.  Driving is a big RESPONSIBILITY it IS NOT A RIGHT! Please keep safe! You are all precious and have so much to give in this life! Don't ruin it or waste it doing something so petty, so meaningless that it would kill you or those you love or even a complete stranger!  Please keep safe and take care of each other!


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Animal Rescue Groups

If you are a non profit animal rescue/sanctuary/organization and would like/need photos done of the animals in your care so they can be adopted quickly, please be sure to contact me! I will happily come out and take photos of the animals and give you a CD with the digital copies on it & print rights to them so that these great animals can find their fur-ever homes ASAP. I can even post the photos and their information on my F.B. Studio fan page to help find these babies loving homes if you would like.

I have 2 feline rescues as many of you know already, My Sweet Lisa-Lee & Lil Miss Poly-Ana; two great joys in my life that I cannot imagine my world without, and without them I'd not be here as a photographer. I would be thrilled to help your furry friends find their fur-ever homes! So please be sure to contact me HERE if you are an animal rescue/sanctuary that would like to have some photos taken.